Interpipe paid about UAH 3 billion in taxes and fees in 2021

Interpipe employs 10,000 people. In 2021

pipe production

During 2021, the Ukrainian industrial company Interpipe transferred UAH 2.96 billion to the budgets of all levels and extra-budgetary funds. Compared to 2020, the volume of tax deductions increased by 17%, which is mainly due to an increase in the production of finished goods.

Contributions to the state budget amounted to about UAH 1.88 billion (+20%), to local budgets - about UAH 614 million (+8.5%). Another UAH 471 mln (+15%) was transferred by the Company as ERUs.

The volume of taxes paid by Interpipe last year is three times the budget of such a large city as Nikopol, or 6 times the budget of Novomoskovsk.

Sergey Kuzmenko, Director for Economics and Finance, Interpipe:

— In 2021, each ton of pipe and railway products we produce brought more than UAH 3,800 to the budget of Ukraine. This once again proves that the development and export of goods with high added value provides our country with foreign exchange, jobs and budgets at all levels.

About company:

Interpipe is a Ukrainian industrial company, a manufacturer of steel pipes and railway products. The company's products are supplied to more than 80 countries through a network of sales offices located in the key markets of the Middle East, North America and Europe. In 2021, Interpipe sold 602 thousand tons of pipe products and 174 thousand tons of railway products. Railway products are sold under the KLW brand.

Interpipe employs 10,000 people. In 2021, the Company transferred almost UAH 3 billion to the budgets of all levels.
